Saturday, March 19, 2011

WWE: Latest News on the Rock, John Cena, Kelly Kelly and WWE's Newest PPV

We are nearing the end of the road to WrestleMania, and as is usual this time of year, rumours and whispers about what is going to happen at the big event are swirling and spreading like some freakish disease.

However, what I bring you this morning is more than just rumour. We have revealing interviews with The Rock and John Cena, news on Kelly Kelly's possible role at WrestleMania and yet another name change to WWE's ever-evolving PPV schedule. 

So, without further ado, let's get to it:


The Rock teases returning to in-ring action in an interview with WWE magazine, Tough Enough appearance confirmed:

Yes, you heard that right. The Rock just cannot seem to make up his mind whether he wants to dance in the ring again or stay retired, and his latest interview seems to indicate that he is warming to the idea of an in-ring return.

When asked about how many of his old ring attires he keeps in his house, he had this to say:

"I still own it all. It's still with me in my house. It was never going away because I knew I would one day use it again."

Rather ominous words do you not think from The Great One? However, The Rock elaborated when asked if he would return to wrestle in WWE:

"Making movies is something that I love to do, and I know that it brings a lot of people joy, which in turn brings me and my soul great gratification. Being in the ring and entertaining the audience and kicking ass physically brings me and my soul great gratification as well. I can guarantee that I can always do both."

What's more, the USA Network has released the following press release regarding The Rock appearing on Tough Enough:


Hollywood star and former multi-time WWE Champion Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will guest on a future episode of WWE TOUGH ENOUGH, the new reality competition series premiering on USA on MONDAY, APRIL 4 at 11/10c.

In the episode, Johnson puts the contestants in full workout mode, pushing their limits and testing their boundaries. The Rock excites and electrifies as he demonstrates what it takes for a superstar to successfully "layeth the smacketh down" in the ring.

One of the most entertaining WWE Superstars of all time and known to fans worldwide as "The People's Champion," the Rock recently announced that he's returning to WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW and briefly trained with the TOUGH ENOUGH contestants for his pending return."

So, let the speculation begin. The Rock has teased that he may return to the ring, and it appears he has already done so in his time spent on the Tough Enough set.

Could we be seeing the makings of The Rock Vs. John Cena for WrestleMania 28 in The Rock's hometown of Miami? Will the Rock lace his boots sooner and lay the smacketh down on both The Miz and Cena on Raw or at WrestleMania 27? Or is The Rock just saying these things to please the fans?

Only time will tell.


John Cena speaks out on The Rock and the WWE Champion The Miz

John Cena was busy promoting his appearance at Madison Square Garden for tonight's show, and had an interview with Newsday in the process. Here is what he had to say about The Rock:

"I think we're on to a point if this continues, something physical is going to happen. He's supposed to host. That's all I know. When he came back on that first night, he said he was back for good. I can only hope that's the truth, because I would certainly like to have many, many matches with him."

I think we would all like to see The Rock and John Cena have just one match with one another, let alone many!

With The Rock perhaps warming to the idea of wrestling again it is without doubt a possibility in the future, and again this just increased speculation on such a match happening.

Cena also had this to say on The Miz: 

"He proved in the last few weeks that he is the champ. He needs to be respected as such."

It must be noted that this interview was conducted under kayfabe, but Cena has never said a truer word nonetheless. 

The Miz has been absolutely fantastic on Raw over the last few weeks, and WWE have booked him very strongly heading into WrestleMania. The Miz seems to be the total package, and its nice to finally see Cena acknowledge that.


Update on Kelly Kelly's role at Wrestlemania:

A few weeks ago the WrestleMania 27 card was apparently leaked, and in that card Kelly Kelly was teaming with Trish Stratus and John Morrison against LayCool and Dolph Ziggler.

However, the match has now been altered, as Snooki has replaced her in the match (much to the delight of the IWC).

However, the latest on this story is that Kelly will still be a part of the match. Reports indicate that she will be in the 'face corner' to counteract Vickie Guerrero's presence in the other corner.

This makes perfect sense to me because not long ago WWE gave Kelly Kelly a push and the fact remains that Kelly is perhaps the most popular face diva in the WWE right now.


WWE renames the Fatal-4-Way PPV

It seems that the first Fatal 4-Way PPV happened to be the last Fatal-4-Way PPV, as WWE has scrapped it from the PPV schedule.

According to the official website of Cineplex Odeon Theatres the event has been renamed Capitol Punishment which will take place June 19 at the Verizon Centre in Washington, D.C.

This is not overly surprising as the Fatal 4-Way event was rather boring as one such match is more than enough for most people, which reflected in the fact that the event only managed 143,000 buys in 2010.

Hopefully this new event will bring more to the table.


That's all from me, all comments and discussion welcome!

Rihanna America Ferrera Haylie Duff Talisa Soto Julianne Hough

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