Sunday, May 1, 2011

A beautiful animation of Barcelona’s 5-0 win over Real Madrid

From Richard Swarbrick, the man who created the brilliant Gareth Bale animation last month, comes another artistic representation of footballing greatness. This time, Swarbrick worked with Barcelona's 5-0 win over Real Madrid earlier this season and, really, this is way all Barcelona matches should be broadcast.

The menacing look of Jose Mourinho adds a fantastical touch to the whole thing, but it does appear David Villa's soul patch has been excluded from this artistic rendering. Which is a bit of revisionist history if you ask me.

Still, as well done as this is, I think Richard should have done an animation of Sergio Ramos dropping the Copa del Rey under the bus instead.

Melissa Joan Hart Bianca Kajlich Giulianna Ramirez Ashley Greene April Scott

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