Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10 Deep Threats the New England Patriots Will Go After This Offseason

The New England Patriots need a deep threat. The Patriots were taken to school this past Sunday by the Jets, who showed Bill Belichick his short to mid-range passing game was no longer going to work.

Going into 2011, Belichick has to see what he can do to give Tom Brady a good deep route runner to spread the defense out.

Between Eric Mangini and Rex Ryan, the Patriots got exposed in 2010 in a big way. Mangini was the only coach gutsy enough to run the right coverage against Tom Brady, and Rex Ryan was the only coach smart enough to listen to what Mangini was talking about.

Plus, Ryan had seen that the constant blitzing he used in Week 13 absolutely did not work, so what did he have to lose?

Here are 10 wide receivers the Patriots may go after via free agency, trade, or the draft.

*Note: This article will assume a new collective bargaining agreement is reached so that trades between teams involving players make take place as well as free agent signing.

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Thandie Newton Liz Phair Aaliyah Katherine Heigl Lorri Bagley

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