Thursday, December 23, 2010

Antonio Dixon Has Beaten Longest Odds

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Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick is going to be the runaway winner of Comeback Player of the Year honors and may well win Most Valuable Player acclaim as well. But one of Vick's fellow starters on the 10-4 likely NFC East champion has been through much worse than the convicted felon/dog-killer.

Consider what defensive tackle Antonio Dixon endured before he even reached high school:

o. Before he turned four, Dixon's father, Frazier Hawkins, a high school wrestling coach in Miami, was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for drug trafficking.

o. Without a high school diploma, Dixon's mother, Corenthia, was unable to secure steady employment that would have allowed her and her five children to afford to rent an apartment. So they shuttled for years between homeless shelters and between relatives in Miami and Atlanta.

o. When Dixon was 11, his mother became so hooked on drugs that a social worker took the children from her and placed them in foster homes for nine months.

o. Dixon attended what he believes were 15 elementary schools without learning how to read. It wasn't until he was in sixth grade that his dyslexia was discovered. He also had a severe stutter -- one that is only slightly better now that he's 25 -- that often caused other kids to tease him.


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